gUEST pOST : Children who play the violin or piano learns faster than you could imagine - Bmasterz


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gUEST pOST : Children who play the violin or piano learns faster than you could imagine

Children who play the violin or piano learns faster than you could imagine. So on this article Children who play the violin or piano ….. you will understands the reason why it’s very cool and fun to start early teaching little kids how to play piano, violin, guitar, etc. there is popular quote that says “catch them young, teach them you” Children who play the violin or piano can learn things faster than you could imagine
from this quote you should believe me that there is nothing that was being incorporated to a kid that he/she can forget easily, I know it happen to most of us, can you recall some events that have happened to you or around you when you are between this age range “2,3,4,5” years? If yes then know that such event have been planted into your developing brain so there is nothing that can make you to forget such ever. So what am I saying if you are mother or father that want the best for your kid, why not consider getting him or her a private teacher that will taught your little kid some wonderful harmonies of some musical instruments at a very early stage of their life? Note that it doesn’t matter whether your kid is still 2, 3, 4 years old just expose them and that’s all. We have seen some many classical musicians such as Mozart, handel, johan Sebastian bach, yanni and others classical music geeks, they all are exposed at a very early stage.
You can enroll your kid to this online course by clicking here:
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Do you also know that Children who play the violin or piano can learn things faster than you could imagine and also could be learning it more than just Mozart, handel, johan Sebastian bach, yanni and others…
A University of Vermont College of Medicine child psychiatry team has found that musical training might also help Children who play the violin or piano focus their attention, control their emotions and diminish their anxiety.
James Hudziak, M.D., professor of psychiatry and director of the Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families, and colleagues including Matthew Albaugh, Ph.D., and graduate student research assistant Eileen Crehan, call their study “the largest investigation of the association between playing a musical instrument and brain development. More especially for Children who play the violin or piano”
The research continues Hudziak’s work with the National Institutes of Health Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Study of Normal Brain Development. Using its database, the team analyzed the brain scans of 232 children ages 6 to 18.
As children age, the cortex — the outer layer of the brain — changes in thickness. In previous analysis of MRI data, Hudziak and his team discovered that cortical thickening or thinning in specific areas of the brain reflected the occurrence of anxiety and depression, attention problems, aggression and behavior control issues even in healthy kids — those without a diagnosis of a disorder or mental illness. With this study, Hudziak wanted to see whether a positive activity, such as music training, would influence those indicators in the cortex.
The study supports The Vermont Family Based Approach, a model Hudziak created to establish that the entirety of a young person’s environment — parents, teachers, friends, pets, and extra-curricular activities — contributes to his or her psychological health. “Music is a critical component in my model,” Hudziak says.
The authors found evidence they expected — that music playing altered the motor areas of the brain, because the activity requires control and coordination of movement. Even more important to Hudziak were changes in the behavior-regulating areas of the brain. For example, music practice influenced thickness in the part of the cortex that relates to “executive functioning, including working memory, attentional control, as well as organization and planning for the future,” the authors write.
A child’s musical background also appears to correlate with cortical thickness in “brain areas that play a critical role in inhibitory control, as well as aspects of emotion processing.”
The findings bolster Hudziak’s hypothesis that a violin might help a child battle psychological disorders even better than a bottle of pills. “We treat things that result from negative things, but we never try to use positive things as treatment,” he says.
Such an approach may prove difficult to accomplish. According to the study’s authors, research from the U.S. Department of Education indicates that three-quarters of U.S. high school students “rarely or never” take extracurricular lessons in music or the arts.
“Such statistics, when taken in the context of our present neuroimaging results,” the authors write, “underscore the vital importance of finding new and innovative ways to make music training more widely available to youths, beginning in childhood.”
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